Friday, 1 June 2007

Being it worth forgiving????

Impulse is the beauty of art & the blemish on polity. Moving people, reducing them to tears or driving them to blissful happiness with words,drama, paint & voice. To change opinions, shape lives, change ideals forever.... driven by the impulse of a fiery speech or otherwise...these are some of the aftermaths of IMPULSE. they have made the world & today we bear its brunt.

Perpetual Peace is possible, but not by the balance of political power. Politics were meant to be thoughtful,constant brutish manipulation. It is to be well-thought and planned but unfortunately in the era of "no-time" we are forced to rely on fiery speeches, 2-minute interviews to form opinions based on the visual appeal alias impulse& gut-feelings.
We get what we vote. The world votes impulsively& they govern us likewise. Mahem & pandemoium follows. The need for speed has replaced quality decisions. Mr. Bush & Mr. Tony Blair made impulsive decisions & sure- both are bearing the brunt of a being out of office at the cost of what we all know- millions of lives.

Millitants thrive on impulsive decisions made by the youth. The condition in Africa is as big as the "war on terror " focussed in the middle-east. Women gang-raped, constant perrennial fight against poverty & diseases has left the people deprived of basic human necessities forget rights. They do not want courts for justice to take the men who gang-raped them to the gallows- they just want PEACE. Peace, some smiles, some laughter even at the cost of everything else.

oooh....but impulse in art is BEAUTIFUL. The sudden flow of words for a writer, the flash of a tune for a musician, the vivid firm fierce strokes of a painter...when the clutter clears up & the impulse results in the gush of fresh makes one's blood rush. only an artist would know this. 17-20 hrs of back-breaking work for years together feels a little like a batter of an eye-lid because of the passion and drive that the impulse creates. For most artists that one flash is enough to sustain the feeling to its completion. Isnt it wonderful?? The thirst to know feel established & then again to be exposed to fresh no-man's land to be conquered and WON. The conquering is easy- it is the search to find the unattainable that impulse insights in an artist.

A journalist would write day-in & day-out, travel unrelentlessly, meet people with the same questionable, curious, objective gait but it feels different every time, with a different country, with a different human & with a different subject. One can never know it all & it is this that bursts the mind & opens the gates for more to flow in.

A great mind had once said- "Influence in the world is a capital, which must be carefully guarded if it is not to dissappear". It is a lovely statement to summaize with. IMPULSE is an aftermath of INFLUENCE. For the good or the bad- it triggers drastically & makes or breaks. Impulse is a precious gift that make us human and spontaneous. It also makes us animals or worse. Like all precious things it rarely takes a tour outside the cupboard, but when it does it has a profound impact on lives.

Do we forgive this and let it be? Kill it by teaching rationality & planning? If influencing the minds of the viewer, listener were a crime...then would art live at all??will it thrive?? well, millitants & dictators would thrive too. So, whom should we kill & whom should we forgive? if IMPULSE & INFLUENCE were to be re-defined & instilled in mankind- how would it be & should it be there at all??- that is the question. Rationality KILLS impulse & vice-versa...let circumstances & contexts drive the choice....well, that would be the ultimate impulsive RATIONALE. Is it a valid conclusion.....well.....for a later date.

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