Nihilism-morals & values.
“To believe that no values or morals exist in this universe”-Nihilism. To adulate nihilism would be to try & surrogate “Religion”. It would lead to a falsified, glorified belief- needless to say-would be ephemeral & loathed soon-like all religions today. Relativity in ideas has forced everyone to view ideas with trepidation. Forced to think of all point of views-accommodating all of which would lead to mediocrity-again very rampant today. Extremity is Utopia, imagination. Mediocrity is practised and sullen. Morals and values-they too are relative and following all forms would lead to mediocrity.
What are morals and values?- A sense of responsibility of goodness imbibed by society in a way that befits and benefits it invariably SAID to benefit oneself. Would it lead to happiness as touted by the most popular-absolutely NOT. They thwart happiness and incarcerate one in the labyrinth of false beliefs that one has created for himself. So, should one forsake all MORALS & VALUES & turn NIHILIST?
Well, I agree GREED & JOY are the 2 basic instincts man was made with & he can’t part with either. The primitive man had everything in abundance- food, water, time, solitude-everything. But he went for seeking for more of his kind. Was it the joy of procreation or the greed to dominate the other living beings by sheer number or was it plain curiosity or the need for companionship? Either way it was GREED, the greed for joy or something else. Man was made to be happy & greedy- his basic nature. To try being selfless, all giving & ever charming, peaceful-would be inhuman-a cheap emulation of the Almighty. Goodness to society is always different from goodness to self. If both are to be followed COMPLETELY-you need to be 2 different people else you let circumstances drive your choice & it leads to mediocrity in beliefs.
If the “religious sense of morale” were to be followed- why didn’t the primitive man who had everything just serve every other living creature around him, think of good & God & die?? Basic natures are true morals. To seek joy & pleasure for oneself is nor wrong. Being narcissist & an egotist might be. Like wise being selfless & hoping for goodness foe everyone by sacrificing oneself is not praise-worthy. It is against man’s soul & it will kill his soul & he would die emulating “the God” he/she believes in.
Morals and values are framed & made to help man-if it is imprisoning him, it is high time to turn Nihilist & refrain from the falsified morals. Novelty must set in & lead way to a NEW WORLD of the basics- it is all after all CYCLICAL!!
will the both of you just fuckin chill!!!!!....y'all gettin way too serious...
ok.ok . 2 chill pills for each of us.
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